You should insert a summary of this page's content here. HTML Professor Neil Sargison VetMB BA PhD DSHP DipECSRHM FRCVS Dr Phil Scott BVM&S DVM&S CertCHP DSHP DipECBHM DipECSRHM FRCVS Dr Alex Corbishley VetMB MA PhD MRCVS Andrew Hopker BVM&S CertAVP MRCVS Dr Amy Jennings BSc BVetMed PhD MRCVS Isabelle Truyers DVM DipECBHM MRCVS Alastair Macrae BVM&S PhD CertSHP DCHP DipECBHM MRCVS Julie Forrest BVMS DBR MRCVS Jenny Heap BVetMed MRCVS James Patrick Crilly VetMB MRCVS Martin Tomlinson BVMS MRCVS Trish O'Donnell Trish mainly works in the Equine Reception, and has been at the Dick Vet since 1999. However when we let Ali get a break now and again, Trish helps cover the FAP reception. Alison Smith Ali is the main receptionist for the Farm Animal Practice, and will normally be your first point of contact when you call. Joanne Davies Like Trish, Joanne also works in the Equine Reception and covers the FAP reception when needed. This article was published on 2024-09-02