
The Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVM&S) makes use of a number of acronyms.

Glossary for BVM&S degree

AB1Animal Body 1 (BVM&S course) (NB there are also AB2, AB3, AB4 courses)
AFHEAAssociate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
AHWFSAnimal Health Welfare and Food Safety (old BVM&S course, often pronounced ‘A-WAFS’)
ALFSAnimal Life and Food Safety (BVM&S course – new name for AHWFS course)
ASSETAssessment Executive
AVMAAmerican Veterinary Medical Association
AVSAssociation of Veterinary Students
BVM&SBachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (R(D)SVS degree)
CFCClinical Foundation Course (BVM&S course)
DOPSDirect Observation of Procedural Skills (assessment method)
DRDissection Room
EMSExtra Mural Studies
EBVMEvidence Based Veterinary Medicine (BVM&S course)
EdTAEdinburgh Teaching Award (staff development programme leading to HEA accreditation)
EEVeCEdinburgh Electronic Veterinary Curriculum (‘old’ vet school virtual learning environment)
EUCLIDUniversity of Edinburgh online student management tool
EUSAEdinburgh University Student Association
FHEAFellow of the Higher Education Academy
Formative Assessmenthelp students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work and   to help staff recognise where students are struggling and address problems
FYPFinal Year Preparation (BVM&S course)
GEPGraduate Entry Programme
GPAGrade Point Average (academic measure of achievement in North America)
HEAHigher Education Academy
HofsteeStandard Setting method used for assessments at R(D)SVS
IADInstitute for Academic Development
ICAIn-Course Assessment
ICCIntegrated Clinical Course
JMICAWEJeanne Marchig Centre for International Animal Welfare Education
LearnVirtual learning environment
MCQMultiple Choice Question
NAVLENorth American Veterinary Licensing Examination
NSSNational Student Survey
NVSNew Vet School (R(D)SVS teaching building)
OSCEObjective Structured Clinical Examination (assessment method)
OSPREObjective Structure Practical Examination (assessment method, vet specific term for OSCE)
Peer SupportersPeer-based pastoral support programme (specific to R(D)SVS)
PFHEAPrincipal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
PTPersonal Tutor
RCVSRoyal College of Veterinary Surgeons (professional body)
R(D)SVSRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
RVCRoyal Veterinary College (Veterinary school in London)
SAMOSchool Academic Misconduct Officer
SCCSpecial Circumstance Committee
SFHEASenior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
SRCStudent Research Component (BVM&S course)
SSAGStudent Support and Advisory Group
SSCStudent Selected Component (BVM&S course) – old name for SRC courses
SPOTSPractical assessment set round a series of timed stations (also known as Steeplechase)
Standard settingProcess used to decide ‘cut-point’ (or pass mark) for an assessment
SteeplechaseSee SPOTS
Summative AssessmentEvaluate student learning at the end of a unit, comparing performance to a benchmark or standard
VetPALsPeer-based study skills support programme (specific to R(D)SVS)
VLEVirtual Learning Environment (e.g. Learn or EEVeC)
VMEDVeterinary Medical Education Division (Academic Division, Research and Development)
VPHVeterinary Public Health
VTOVeterinary Teaching Organisation (administrative team)
WSEWard Simulation Exercise