Glossary for BVM&S degree
AB1 | Animal Body 1 (BVM&S course) (NB there are also AB2, AB3, AB4 courses) |
AFHEA | Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy |
AHWFS | Animal Health Welfare and Food Safety (old BVM&S course, often pronounced ‘A-WAFS’) |
ALFS | Animal Life and Food Safety (BVM&S course – new name for AHWFS course) |
ASSET | Assessment Executive |
AVMA | American Veterinary Medical Association |
AVS | Association of Veterinary Students |
BVM&S | Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (R(D)SVS degree) |
CFC | Clinical Foundation Course (BVM&S course) |
DOPS | Direct Observation of Procedural Skills (assessment method) |
DR | Dissection Room |
EMS | Extra Mural Studies |
EBVM | Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine (BVM&S course) |
EdTA | Edinburgh Teaching Award (staff development programme leading to HEA accreditation) |
EEVeC | Edinburgh Electronic Veterinary Curriculum (‘old’ vet school virtual learning environment) |
EUCLID | University of Edinburgh online student management tool |
EUSA | Edinburgh University Student Association |
FHEA | Fellow of the Higher Education Academy |
Formative Assessment | help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work and to help staff recognise where students are struggling and address problems |
FYP | Final Year Preparation (BVM&S course) |
GEP | Graduate Entry Programme |
GPA | Grade Point Average (academic measure of achievement in North America) |
HEA | Higher Education Academy |
Hofstee | Standard Setting method used for assessments at R(D)SVS |
IAD | Institute for Academic Development |
ICA | In-Course Assessment |
ICC | Integrated Clinical Course |
JMICAWE | Jeanne Marchig Centre for International Animal Welfare Education |
Learn | Virtual learning environment |
MCQ | Multiple Choice Question |
NAVLE | North American Veterinary Licensing Examination |
NSS | National Student Survey |
NVS | New Vet School (R(D)SVS teaching building) |
OSCE | Objective Structured Clinical Examination (assessment method) |
OSPRE | Objective Structure Practical Examination (assessment method, vet specific term for OSCE) |
Peer Supporters | Peer-based pastoral support programme (specific to R(D)SVS) |
PFHEA | Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy |
PT | Personal Tutor |
RCVS | Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (professional body) |
R(D)SVS | Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies |
RVC | Royal Veterinary College (Veterinary school in London) |
SAMO | School Academic Misconduct Officer |
SCC | Special Circumstance Committee |
SFHEA | Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy |
SRC | Student Research Component (BVM&S course) |
SSAG | Student Support and Advisory Group |
SSC | Student Selected Component (BVM&S course) – old name for SRC courses |
SPOTS | Practical assessment set round a series of timed stations (also known as Steeplechase) |
Standard setting | Process used to decide ‘cut-point’ (or pass mark) for an assessment |
Steeplechase | See SPOTS |
Summative Assessment | Evaluate student learning at the end of a unit, comparing performance to a benchmark or standard |
VetPALs | Peer-based study skills support programme (specific to R(D)SVS) |
VLE | Virtual Learning Environment (e.g. Learn or EEVeC) |
VMED | Veterinary Medical Education Division (Academic Division, Research and Development) |
VPH | Veterinary Public Health |
VTO | Veterinary Teaching Organisation (administrative team) |
WSE | Ward Simulation Exercise |