Student Wins World Horse Welfare Bursary

Congratulations to Christian Byrne of Third Year who has been awarded a Bursary by World Horse Welfare.

Christian - bursary winner

The bursary scheme provides the opportunity for students to attend The 7th International Colloquium on Working Equids 2014. The Colloquium consists of two days of lectures and discussion together with a third day of practical workshops. The event will focus on the question: “How do we demonstrate the importance of working equid welfare to human livelihoods?”.


I am hoping to take away from the Colloquium an understanding of the diversity of roles that working equids play in different communities and how the veterinary surgeon can assist in optimising the interaction this has with animal and human welfare.

Christian Byrne

This is great news for Christian and we are delighted with this award enabling him to attend the event in London in July. Competition for places was extremely tough and I am sure Christian will find the Colloquium hugely beneficial.

Professor Bruce McGorum
Head of Equine Sciences

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