Regardless of your feeding system, blood testing remains a rapid and cost effective method of 'Asking the Cow's what they think of their ration before it is too late. Document Blood test input form (Sheet 3) (164.42 KB / PDF) Document DHHPS beef suckler metabolic profile (573.92 KB / PDF) Pre-planned blood sampling of groups of cows at strategic times in the key. Groups of no less than five cows - which are representative of the herd - should be sampled.TimingA metabolic profile test should be carried out once the cows have been on full winter rations for at least 2-3 weeks to check the adequacy of the base ration.There are two main periods for testing for block calving suckler herds:Sample a group of the first cows due to calve in the last fortnight of pregnancy before calving starts.Follow this with a repeat blood test 2-3 weeks after calving.Samples to submitPlease submit two Lithium Heparin (green) vacutainers from each animal.Tests AnalysedEnergy - NEFA, BOHBProtein - Albumin, Globulin and Urea-NMinerals - Magnesium and PhosphateTrace Elements - Copper and GSHPx (selenium)Information RequiredDetails of expected or recent calving date for each animal.Body condition scores, and body weight (if practical).Current ration details, including forage analyses where available.PricesPrice ListTransport of SamplesTransport of SamplesIf you need further information regarding testing get in touch with us at the office. Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Contact details Work: 0131 651 7474 Fax: 0131 651 7473 Email: This article was published on 2024-09-02