Clinical Training

Clinical training is available across the commercial veterinary activities offered by the School. These include internship and residency programmes.


The aim of our clinical rotating internships is to prepare each candidate for competitive future career aspirations, be that in general practice, further research, or a specialism.

The rotating internship offers excellent preparatory experience for vets considering further clinical training.  High-quality postgraduate training is provided across a broad range of disciplines under the supervision of experienced clinicians. A rotating internship can be used as preparation for the Senior Clinical Training Scholarship programme and is a requirement of many Residency programmes.

Interns spend time in each of our busy and expanding referral services with the support of residents and senior staff. You will contribute to the primary care of first opinion clinic patients as well as the out-of-hours service which includes the care of patients in ICU.

Small Animal

Internships are one year. Interns have the opportunity for seven weeks of elective rotations, which may be spent gaining further clinical or research experience within the veterinary school, or undertaking externships elsewhere (by prior arrangement).


Internships are 18 months. Interns have the opportunity to engage in a research project and undertake a specific anaesthetic rotation.

We do not currently offer any internships in production animals.

The School boasts a thriving programme of continuing education which interns can access, and are encouraged to attend.


  • Competitive salary
  • Generous CPD allowance
  • Enrolled into the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and encouraged to work towards Associate Fellow status
  • Increasing responsibility for case management of individual animals in line with improved knowledge
  • Supportive line managers providing mentorship, structured feedback and prioritising mental well-being
  • Protected induction and training period
  • Opportunity to undertake a research project under the supervision of a specialist mentor

Entry criteria

  • Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS), by start date of internship
  • Provide evidence of good written and spoken English if English is not your first language
  • Legal right to work in the UK*

Experience of working in practice in the UK, including independent out of hours working, and completion of PDP are preferred.  However, outstanding newly qualified vets will be considered and are encouraged to apply.

*We strongly recommend that applicants from outside the EU consult the UK Border Agency Right to Work rules


The Professional Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine (Residency) provides an opportunity for qualified veterinary surgeons to undertake a period of advanced clinical training in a chosen specialty under the guidance and supervision of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and European/American veterinary specialists.

Entry criteria

  • Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS)
  • At least two years qualified
  • Have completed a rotating internship or relevant equivalent experience
  • Provide evidence of good written and spoken English, if English is not your first language

Terms and conditions of University of Edinburgh admissions