Dick Vet Equine Hospital
Contact details
- Phone: 01223 849 763
- Work: 0131 650 6253
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Easter Bush Campus EH25 9RG
Easter Bush Campus EH25 9RG
Equine Practice
Contact details
- Phone: +44(0)1223 849 835
- Work: +44(0)131 650 6253
- Fax: +44(0)131 650 8836
Farm Animal Practice 8.30am-5pm
Contact details
- Phone: 01223 849835
- Work: +44(0)131 445 4468
- Fax: +44(0)131 650 8836
- Email: farmanimalpractice@ed.ac.uk
Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Contact details
- Work: 0131 651 7474
- Fax: 0131 651 7473
- Email: DHHPS@ed.ac.uk
Easter Bush Campus
EH25 9RG
Easter Bush Pathology
Contact details
- Work: +44 (0)131 651 7458
- Email: ebp.enquiries@ed.ac.uk
Veterinary Teaching Building
Easter Bush Campus
Easter Bush Campus
EH25 9RG