New Rector Welcomed

Staff from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies were pleased to take part, as Ann Henderson was inducted as the University of Edinburgh’s 53rd Rector.

Pictured with the Rector from left to right are Neil Hudson, Andrew Gardiner, ‘Pace’ the staff dog and Stella Mazeri”
Pictured with the Rector from left to right are Neil Hudson, Andrew Gardiner, ‘Pace’ the staff dog and Stella Mazeri”

On Friday 5th October, Ms Ann Henderson took to the ceremonial chair in the Old College quadrangle, as she was inducted as the new Rector of the University. She was joined by the Principal, student representatives and staff, including those from the Dick Vet.

Neil Hudson, Andrew Gardiner, ‘Pace’ the staff dog and Stella Mazeri (pictured) were able to present some of the exciting initiatives from the Vet School including All4Paws, the Undergraduate Certificate in Veterinary Medical Education, VetPALs and our collaborative project with Mission Rabies.

Tackling challenges

Ms Henderson is a researcher at the Scottish Parliament and a member of the Scottish Labour Party executive. 

She is actively involved in women’s groups, with a particular interest in women’s history within the labour movement.

With over 40 years of experience campaigning for equality and social justice, Ms Henderson has pledged to address mental health issues, student rent levels and to protect and support EU students and staff. She also wants to ensure fair pay and fair pensions for staff.

Rector role

The Rector’s primary role is to preside at the University Court, the University’s governing body. 

They also chair meetings of the General Council in absence of the Chancellor and work closely with students and the Students’ Association.

Prestigious position

Established in law by an 1858 Act of Parliament, the position of Rector has a long and prestigious lineage.

This year marks 159 years since William Gladstone first took up the post as Rector at the University.

Previous Rectors include eminent politician Sir Winston Churchill, television presenter Muriel Gray and former Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Related links

The Rector