Below are some general terms and conditions regarding the DHHPS metabolic profile membership scheme. As ever if you require any further information or advice please do not hesitate to give us a ring in the office.Annual membership is charged quarterly for a minimum of a twelve month period in the first instance.After the initial twelve months, membership will continue on a quarterly basis until a farmer or their vet/advisor contact the DHHPS office to request to leave.Membership fees will be charged to the farm’s veterinary surgeon or nutritional advisor as directed.The results and report for a metabolic profile are guaranteed to be back to the veterinary surgeon and farmer within a week of receipt of the samples in the DHHPS lab. In most cases, the results and report will be back sooner. Please ensure that samples are sent to Edinburgh in a timely fashion (ideally by Next Day delivery), and that all of the information requested on the Sheet 3 form is also submitted at the same time. Providing an email address will allow results and reports to be returned as quickly as possible.DHHPS membership allows a farm to do metabolic profiles “as often as necessary’” throughout their membership period. The DHHPS reserves the right to make additional charges if the number of tests done looks to be becoming excessive.The definition of “excessive” is more than 6 full seventeen cow metabolic profiles (or 102 individual cow samples) in a calendar year.Typically three or four tests are done each year, but the purpose of membership is to allow flexibility of testing. For example if transition dry cow management is identified as a problem, then testing groups of six “close up” dry cows every 6-8 weeks may be more appropriate. A suitable programme for block calving herds is to start testing dry cows in the month before calving, following by freshly calved groups once calving starts.Copper and GSHPx (selenium) analysis will be included on the first member test on a farm. They will not be performed on subsequent tests unless requested, and will be charged for as extra.If after performing a ‘one-off’ test, a farm wishes to join the membership scheme, they or their vet/advisor should contact the DHHPS office. This first blood test can then be incorporated into their first membership fee.If no blood samples have been received 9 months after the most recent test, membership will be stopped. However a farm can re-join at any time.Other analyses can be performed in conjunction with a metabolic profile (for example iodine, zinc, manganese, haematology, serology for infectious diseases such as IBR and BVD). Please contact the office to enquire regarding availability, cost and tube type required.Members will receive a copy of the DHHPS quarterly newsletter either via email or post.A minimum of five cows should be tested from each group of cows - this is to allow a proper comparison between and within groups.A maximum of 17 cows can be included in each metabolic profile blood test. Members should endeavour to provide the DHHPS office with as much information as possible regarding the cows tested (calving dates, feed ration etc), to ensure a comprehensive report to be returned.DHHPS prices are subject to an annual review in April each year, therefore membership fees may increase slightly each year.The DHHPS lab is closed each year around Christmas and New Year, as the University of Edinburgh site is closed. The office should be contacted if you are considering testing in the last week before Christmas or the first week in January, as the closure dates change each year. This article was published on 2024-09-02