We have a programme of work which develops better preventive health strategies that allows companion animals to live longer, healthier lives One of the key ambitions of the clinical research team in the hospital is to develop approaches that prevent our pets from getting ill in the first place. This often involves studying large populations of companion animals over a long period of time which then allow us to define the relative impact that genes and environment has on an individual animal’s health outcomes. This research programme allows us to develop guidelines and roll out strategies which lower the risk of disease development in healthy animals. As well as helping animals locally, we are also work hard to protect the well being of animals beyond our hospital, especially in low resource settings such as Sub-Saharan Africa where we have developed novel ways to vaccinate large numbers of dogs in a highly cost effective manner. Rabies Vaccination Preventive health campaigns beyond our hospital Harnessing the Genetic Revolution We work closely with geneticists in Roslin to understand how genes regulate the appearance of dogs. Dogslife A revolutionary clinical research project looking at the health of the UK’s most popular breed (Labrador Retriever) puppies across the country. This article was published on 2024-09-02