A list of staff at the Dick Vet Equine Practice and Hospital For general queries including making an appointment, please contact us. Dick Vet Equine PracticeNameRoleMs Louise CornishSenior Lecturer in Equine Practice, Head of Equine PracticeMr Chris CalderLecturer in Equine Practice, Deputy Head of Equine PracticeMrs Jennifer ClementsSenior Lecturer in Equine PracticeDr Suzanne W DuncanLecturer in Equine PracticeMs Francisca GoncalvesLecturer in Equine PracticeMr John PateLecturer in Equine PracticeKirsty PharoahLecturer in Equine PracticeMrs Jill ThomsonLecturer in Equine PracticeDick Vet Equine HospitalNameRoleProf Karen BlissittPersonal Chair of Equine Cardiology and AnaesthesiaDr Caroline HahnSenior Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical NeurosciencesOliver JamesSenior Lecture in Equine OrthopaedicsProfessor John KeenPersonal Chair of Equine Cardiovascular MedicineMr Padraig KellySenior Equine Surgeon, Director of the Equine HospitalRebekah KennedySenior Lecturer in Equine DentistryProf Bruce McGorumPersonal Chair of Equine MedicineMattie McMasterHead of Equine SurgeryDr Nicholas ParkinsonSenior Clinician in Equine Internal MedicineDr Gemma PearsonLecturer in Equine Behavioural MedicineProf Scott PiriePersonal Chair of Equine Clinical SciencesDr Sarah TaylorSenior Lecture in Equine OrthopaedicsNursesNameRoleLisa HendersonHead NurseHeather PikeSenior Imaging NurseKirsty PollRVNChloe BlackRVNCara BaillieRVNSarah HolmesRVNSiobhan HillRVNLauren BevisRVNRae BarclayTrainee RVNFiona PerryEquine TechnicianGroomsNameRoleMichelle CampbellHead of Equine GroomAilleen AndersonSenior GroomJen MclellanSenior GroomKirsty SymonSenior GroomCraig DonnellyGroomCaitlin LowGroomLynsey MacAlonieGroomLesley WalkerGroomVet ServicesNameRoleEmma MacDougallVet Services AssistantMs Elinor MuirEquine Vet Services ManagerClient Care teamNameRoleSophie BrownEquine Client Care, Insurance and Referral CoordinatorLindsey CampbellEquine Client Care, Insurance and Referral CoordinatorJenny HoodEquine Client Care, Insurance and Referral CoordinatorSusan IngramEquine Client Care, Insurance and Referral CoordinatorLaura RobsonEquine Client Care, Insurance and Referral CoordinatorFor emergency cover out of hours we are occasionally helped out by ‘resident’ vets from the hospital – these vets have spent time working in general practice and are undergoing further training in order to become specialists in either equine medicine or equine surgery, so you will be in safe hands should you require their assistance. This article was published on 2024-09-02