Dr Dylan Clements Wins Veterinary Research Award

This year's PetPlan Veterinary Research Award went to Dr Dylan Clements, Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Orthopaedics and leader of the Dogslife research project.

award being given
Dr Dylan Clements receiving his award

At this years 2019 British Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress, Dr Dylan Clements was the winner of the PetPlan Veterinary Research Award. This prestigious award is made each year to a scientist, chosen by nominations from the UK's eight veterinary schools and the Animal Health Trust. It is judged by the Trust’s scientific committee, for 'outstanding contributions to the art and science of veterinary medicine'. 

Dr Clements is one of the School's leading researchers carrying out large scale projects that directly contribute to the advancement of animal health. He conceived, developed and leads the Dogslife Project, the first large-scale epidemiological study of canine disease, which has identified and published multiple risks for canine diseases.

Dogslife actively engages around eight thousand members of the public in citizen science and has identified modifiable environmental risks for common canine diseases and helped identify genetic risks for common canine phenotypes and their prevalence. This include work on limber tail and POMC appetite mutation.

Dylan led industrial collaboration into the investigation into the molecular pathogenesis of canine and feline osteoarthritis. He helped develop the first genome-wide prediction tool for canine hip dysplasia and led the development of novel methods for, and the clinical utility of QSTs in dogs and cats, which are now utilised in clinical practice.

With his continuing research, teaching and clinical excellence, Dylan is a worthy winner of this year's award. 


Related links

Dr Dylan Clements' profile

The Dogslife Project

Dog study sheds light on tail condition


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