We have a programme of work which develops novel diagnostic tests which more accurately diagnose important disease in a non-invasive manner Many companion animal diseases are challenging to diagnosis. Consequently, there is a clear need to develop better diagnostic tests which can diagnose important diseases more accurately and less invasively. We have a long track record of developing new tests which improve the ability of vets across the world to diagnose diseases. Improving Reliability of Diagnostic Tests Developing approaches to improve test reliability Monitoring health through GPS technologies Using new technologies to assess patient health Vitamin D Animal Laboratory The Hospital for Small Animals is a global leader in the area of vitamin D biology in dogs and cats. Measuring Bone Density Assessing Bone Density in Companion Animals mirVET Laboratory We have developed a novel test to detect liver damage in dogs. Novel Diagnostic Test Development We offer all healthy dogs a free blood test and urine assessment at their annual vaccination check. Investigating the genetic causes of diseases in cats We have developed a biobank of feline DNA to help identify the genetic basis of common diseases of cats to help better manage or cure these diseases. This article was published on 2024-09-02