Referring Vet News

News for our veterinary colleagues

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Online tool helps detect infections

05 December, 2024HfSA Vet

Veterinary Specialists have developed free resource to improve post-surgery patient care

Rabbit and Exotic Animal Service expanded

27 November, 2024HfSA Vet Small Animals

The Hospital for Small Animals has expanded its exotic animal veterinary services to meet its…

Successful treatment of hyposomatotropism

25 November, 2024HfSA Vet

Dog with rare dwarfism condition responds well to hormone injections.

New treatment turns the tables on Feline Infectious Peritonitis

01 November, 2024HfSA Vet

Hundreds of cats treated for fatal feline coronavirus with newly available anti-viral treatment.

Drug trial studies plant-based oral cancer therapy for dogs

07 October, 2024Vet School HfSA Vet Small Animals

Vets to investigate effectiveness of treatment derived from berries on canine oral melanoma.

Gold status recognises quality feline services

11 September, 2024HfSA Vet Small Animals

Hospital proud to hold Gold Cat Friendly Clinic status for over 10 years.

Radioactive iodine service celebrates relaunch anniversary

24 August, 2024HfSA Vet

Dedicated feline treatment facility is running at full capacity

Sustainability and the Hospital for Small Animals

15 August, 2024HfSA Vet

Sustainability is embedded in all the decisions the Hospital makes.

Free online resources for companion animal mycobacterial disease

15 August, 2024HfSA Vet

Experts develop resources for vets to help diagnose and treat mycobacteria cases.

Faecal calprotectin test launched

01 July, 2024HfSA Vet

New testing service available for animals with intestinal inflammation.

Double hip replacement restores canine’s energy and mobility

24 June, 2024HfSA Vet

Young dog makes full recovery following operations to replace both his hips

Fixed-price spinal package introduced

23 May, 2024HfSA Vet

New initiative simplifies treatment process for dogs with thoracolumbar IVDE

Vet School helps penguin from Edinburgh Zoo

26 April, 2024Vet School HfSA Vet Small Animals

Expert teams worked together to identify cause of king penguin’s seizures.

Double radiotherapy success for arthritic dog with cancer

05 April, 2024HfSA Vet

Leading oncology centre uses radiation treatment to help Ladrador with thymoma and severe joint pain

3D printing technology used to help treat spinal condition

22 March, 2024HfSA Vet

Neurology Specialists use unique spinal guide to stabilise dogs’ vertebrae during surgery

Seeing clearly: surgery improves dogs’ vision and confidence

14 February, 2024HfSA Vet

Complex surgery successfully corrects multiple ocular conditions

Feline blood donors required

23 January, 2024HfSA Vet

Appeal to vets to help find potential donors in Edinburgh area

Multiple referral teams collaborate to help a challenging case

22 December, 2023HfSA Vet

Specialist clinical and nursing teams treat cat with numerous injuries

Faecal microbiota transplant helps emergency referral

04 November, 2023HfSA Vet

Successful outcome for dog with acute haemorrhagic diarrhoea syndrome

Dog makes full recovery following mechanical ventilation

13 October, 2023HfSA Vet

Multiple specialist services at Hospital for Small Animals worked collaboratively to save…