Farm Animal Services

The R(D)SVS Farm Animal Practice operates a first opinion practice serving dairy, beef, sheep, pig and camelid farms in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

We also operate referral services where vets in private practice can send in patients for specialist investigations and surgery, such as lame pedigree bulls. The Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service (DHHPS) has provided specialist farm animal advisory services since 1977, focusing on nutritional monitoring and improvement of herd/flock health.

The Farm Animal Hospital specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of cattle and sheep.

The Dick Vet Farm Animal Practice (FAP) is a first opinion practice providing veterinary care for all farm animal species.

Please note that the DHHPS office will close at 1pm on Tuesday 24th December, and re-open at 9am on Friday 3rd January 2025. Given the Christmas post, we advise that all samples should aim to arrive in the DHHPS laboratory by Friday 20th December.

The R(D)SVS Farm Animal Practice operates a first opinion practice serving dairy, beef, sheep, pig and camelid farms in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

A list of the Farm Animal Services staff

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