Applied Poultry Science

The MSc Applied Poultry Science programme offers poultry industry workers and hobby keepers the skills, knowledge and understanding to address current challenges in sustainable poultry production. This programme is delivered in collaboration with SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College) giving students the benefit of a world-leading teaching team.

Poultry science banner

Our MSc in Applied Poultry Science offers you the opportunity to study standalone short courses, a Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or full Masters Degree. Flexible, online distance learning allows you to tailor the timeframe of studies to suit your needs and can be completed in up to to six years.

Poultry production for eggs or meat is a worldwide phenomenon.  More than 180 eggs are produced per person per year for consumption worldwide and over a third of meat produced globally is from poultry.  With income and suburban population growth, poultry meat and egg consumption is likely to increase.  A large poultry industry already supports current food production systems and the huge number of food-producing birds within them - we expect this industry to grow in response to the demand for food. 

The programme provides students with an in-depth, research-led knowledge in applied poultry science.  Alongside the subject content you will also gain transferable skills in IT, report writing, giving online presentations and time and project management.

Qualifications gained can support career prospects within the poultry industry with graduates going on to play key roles in poultry companies, research institutes and government as well as into academia or onto further education. 

This MSc is taught in collaboration with SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College) and benefits from expertise from the Poultry Unit at SRUC’s Monogastric Science Research Centre (MSRC)

MSc, PGDip, PGCert, PPD

The online, part-time format of our teaching is particularly suited to students with busy lives.  The flexible learning environment can be adapted to suit individual needs and online study allows you to study at a location that is convenient for you.

The School has been teaching online taught postgraduate programmes since 2008 and online learning is treated as seriously as in-person.  Our digital teaching platform has a dedicated e-learning team to ensure the teaching runs smoothly and students have access to support and welfare staff throughout their studies.

This programme will be supported by an experienced team of two programme co-directors, co-ordinator, administrator and course leaders and each student is provided with a professional mentor and student adviser.

Key features of the programme are study guides, lecture notes, textbook and journal excerpts and interactive online discussions, enabling students from a range of disciplines to bring their unique perspectives to build a community of online students.

How online learning works at the University of Edinburgh 

Watch "How does online learning work?" Media Hopper video

The MSc programme begins in September and runs part-time over a period of 3-6 years. The programme is delivered using a blend of online learning methods, supported by the University’s award-winning online learning environments.  

Students enrolling onto standalone short courses may have start dates throughout the academic year.

The programme is structured to allow sequential progression from short courses* to Certificate, Diploma and MSc phases however, there are several earlier exit points. 

programme diagram

Students can opt to take time out from learning if work or family life are impacted too much. It is also possible to pay per course** to help spread the cost of your studies.

*also referred to as the Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) scheme

**The University uses the terminology 'course', and sometimes 'module', to refer to the individual components that make up a degree programme

Certificate and Diploma

The Certificate phase comprises three core courses from within the programme (see Content tab). Each course is taught over a period of 10 weeks.

The Diploma phase comprises of six courses from within the programme (see Content tab).

Masters (MSc)

The dissertation element gives students the opportunity to further develop scientific skills and apply scientific theory, in a less structured learning environment. 

The dissertation is designed to advance your understanding of the processes and planning involved in undertaking research and to develop your scientific written communication skills, research ethics, statistics and the principle of good research practice.

This is a self-directed course but you are supported by an allocated subject-specific expert supervisor, statistician and experienced researchers from within the programme team.  You are also encouraged, where appropriate, to work closely with senior staff at your home institution. 

20 credit courses (elsewhere often called ‘modules’) are delivered in 2 blocks of 5 weeks of study plus 1 week of independent study and reflection time in between.

10 credit courses are delivered over a period of 5 weeks. The majority of the lecture material is pre-recorded so that it can be watched at any time.

Each 10 credits represents 100 hours of study time and a time commitment of 20hrs per week.

Core courses

Poultry Housing and Environment

20 credits

Course Leader: Dr Viola Farci

This course will enable students to critically evaluate and analyse how commercial laying hens and broilers are housed with regards to housing design and internal systems. You will explore how poultry environments are designed and maintained and the environmental impact of poultry production as well as egg and meat production in a global context.

For full details of this course, including learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study page. 


Poultry Anatomy and Health

20 credits

Course Leader: Mr Matthew Balfour

This course considers the different causes of disease in poultry and evaluates appropriate methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of disease. 

For full details of this course, including learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study page. 


Poultry Feed, Nutrition and Digestion

20 credits

Course Leader: Dr Farina Khattak

This course will examine the principles of feed requirements and nutrition.

For full details of this course, including learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study page. 


Poultry Behaviour and Welfare in Commerical Systems

20 credits

Course Leader: Dr Vicky Sandilands

This course covers the general principles of poultry behaviour and welfare, what influences behaviour and the indicators used to measure welfare.  You will explore production and welfare factors that can be applied to different production systems - intensive and non-intensive - as well as transport and slaughter methods.  

For full details of this course, including learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study page. 


Poultry Embryology and Incubation

10 credits

Course Leader: Dr Farina Khattak

This course considers the science that underpins the commercial incubation of poultry eggs and the application of that science to maximise hatchling quality. The course will provide background knowledge and enable the critical evaluation of incubation processes.

For full details of this course, including learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study page. 


Poultry Breeding and Genetics

10 credits

Course Leader: Dr Kellie Watson

This course provides a critical understanding of the theories which underpin quantitative genetics and animal breeding and their application to poultry breeding.  You will explore modern technologies and how these have been used to revolutionise modern breeding programmes. The background theory can then be used to underpin a practical understanding of poultry breeding programmes and their importance in modern global poultry production systems.

For full details of this course, including learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study page. 


Poultry Business Management

10 credits

Course Leader: Bill MacKay

The course enables students to evaluate the management strategies used in commercial poultry businesses and the processes . You will gain an understanding of the poultry value chain and the ability to produce business forecasts and investment appraisals for application in the poultry industry.

For full details of this course, including learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study page. 



This element of the programme gives students the opportunity to further develop scientific skills and apply scientific theory, in a less structured learning environment. 

  • 60 credits
  • Course Leaders:  Dr Vicky Sandilands 

You will undertake either an in-depth practical research project involving data collection analyses, a systematic review, an extensive literature review or a meta-study on a chosen area of applied poultry science. The dissertation is designed to advance your understanding of the processes and planning involved in undertaking research and to develop your scientific written communication skills, research ethics, statistics and the principle of good research practice.  

This is a self-directed course but you are supported by an allocated subject-specific expert supervisor, statistician and experienced researchers from within the programme team.  You are also encouraged, where appropriate, to work closely with senior staff at your home institution. 

Elective courses 

Electives from other suitable courses will also be available. For more information see the Degree Programme Table. 

Degree Programme Table (Applied Poultry Science) 


Course availability 

Although all courses are offered, we will not be able to guarantee that all courses will be available to all students, each year. This will be dependent upon numbers of students and availability of places on non-programme owned courses. 

The Postgraduate Professional Development (PPD) scheme is aimed at working professionals who want to advance their knowledge through postgraduate-level learning, without the time, or financial commitment, of a full award.

You may take a maximum of 50 credits worth of courses over two years and gain a University of Edinburgh postgraduate award of academic credit.

You can also choose to continue your studies after one year and put credits towards a postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or full Masters degree.  Any time spent taking courses through the PPD scheme will be deducted from the amount of time you have left to complete the higher award.

To view the Applied Poultry Science short courses available within the PPD scheme and details on how to apply, please visit the Credit-bearing standalone short courses page.

We have a number of internationally recognised experts in their field contributing to the teaching of this programme.

Applied Poultry Science staff list

The programme is suitable for those with an undergraduate degree (2:1 or equivalent) in agricultural sciences, biological science, veterinary medicine, as well as professionals from agriculture, rural industries, government officials, international organisations, and research technicians in poultry science.  

 In circumstances where the background is not specifically related to these disciplines, we may also consider applications from those who have relevant work experience (work experience must be in a related area of poultry science or some involvement in poultry-related matters for 3 or more years).  

Many of our students already work in the poultry industry, for example in the fields of nutrition, breeding, egg or meat production, or poultry veterinarians, but are wishing to broaden their knowledge base to give them greater career opportunities. 

Applicants can contact the programme team to check before applying. They may be admitted to certificate level only in the first instance. Prospective students must also demonstrate fluency in spoken and written English in line with University entry requirements. 

Once successfully on the programme, completion of core courses is a pre-requisite for progression to subsequent courses. 

English language requirements 

If English is not your first language, we will also need to see evidence of your English language proficiency before we can offer you a place. 

English language requirements 

Tuition fees 

Please note that you can pay for the programme on a course (module) basis. Each course is 20 credits and the dissertation year is equivalent to 60 credits. 

Tuition fees for online learning

Tuition fee discount for former graduates 

Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding

The University of Edinburgh subscribes to a funding database specifically for those looking for funding to support postgraduate studies.  The guide contains a huge database of funding opportunities, comprehensive guidance and tools to help you prepare a winning grant application including.

The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding Online

Scholarship information 

It is recommended that you conduct your own research on this, but you can refer to the University Scholarship website to view suggestions on Scholarships. 

Online distance learning scholarships 

ITA Scotland 

Get up to £200 towards the cost of a training course with an SDS Individual Training Account (ITA). 

You could use the money to build the skills you need for a job. Or get some training to take your career to the next level. Whatever you want to do, there is a wide range of ITA approved courses on offer. 

ITA Scotland 

UK government postgraduate loans 

If you are planning to study with us, you could be eligible for a postgraduate loan towards your fees. From this year, online programmes are also eligible for this funding (please note, restrictions apply) 

This funding is available for UK nationals, those with settled status, and in some cases, EU nationals not resident in the UK. 

Learn more about postgraduate loans and submit your application 

Online application form 

Applications must be submitted through the University’s online application service, EUCLID. Offers cannot be made without a fully completed online application. 

Apply for this degree

Contact details 

If you would like more information on applying for this programme, please contact our team using the address below: 

Programme Team 


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