Teaching team

The core teaching staff for the programme are listed below.

We also have a number guest lecturers, clinical behaviourists and tutors who are internationally recognised in their fields.

NameJob title 
Dr Amy Miele PhD, cert(AnBeh), BVM&S, MRCVS

Programme Director, MSc Clinical Animal Behaviour.

Lecturer in Clinical Animal Behaviour, Jeanne Marchig International  Centre for Animal Welfare Education

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Dr Verity BowellProgramme Coordinator, MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour.view profile
Dr Louise Buckley

Lecturer in Clinical Animal Behaviour

Deputy Programme Director for ChM Urology

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Pippa Hutchison MSc, Dip(AS) CCABClinical Animal Behaviourist 
Loni LoftusLecturer in Clinical Animal Behaviourview profile
Kirstin McilvaneyProgramme Coordinator, MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour 
Dr Kevin McPeakeClinician and Senior Lecturer in Clinical Animal Behaviourview profile

 Programme contact: ClinicalAnimalBehaviour@ed.ac.uk

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