Langhill Farm Reaches AgriScot Scottish Dairy Farm of the Year Final Four

Langhill Farm has reached the final four in the Agriscot Dairy Farm of the Year Award.

After reaching the final twenty last year, the School's dairy farm at Langhill has gone one better and this year has been named in the top four for the AgriScot Scottish Dairy Farm of the Year Award. 

The award is presented yearly and takes into account a wide range of factors, including calving age, calving index, somatic cell count, yields and longevity within the herd. Langhill's impressive performace underlines the hard work that continues to be done by staff to provide the best possible conditions. 

Jimmy Goldie, of Carrs Billington and the official assessor for the AgriScot Scottish Dairy Farm of the Year awards 2016, will this week visit four finalists for an on farm assessment, with the final accolade announced at AgriScot on Wednesday 16th November.

In an extremely competitive field, we are delighted to have made the final four farms. This reflects a huge amount of hard work by our team at Langhill and we are certainly looking forward to the final stages of the judging process.

Tim King
Deputy Head of School for Operations


Agriscot official announcement