Information on pre-lambing sheep tests. Document Sheep Metabolic profile information (561.86 KB / PDF) Ideally blood sampling should be done 2-3 weeks before lambing is due to start.Earlier than this, sheep are not yet in the high risk period and so there is the potential that some energy problems could be missed.Later than this, the opportunity to make nutritional adjustments for the benefit of the flock are limited.Which Sheep to SampleGroups of no less than five sheep in each category (triplet, twin, single)Our standard test encourages submission of up to 20 samplesSampling is also of benefit to un-scanned flocks as the same principles applyBloods to submitPlease submit one Lithium Heparin (green topped) blood tube from each sheep.Information requiredPlease complete a Sheep test input form for each group submitted Document Sheep test input forms (116.16 KB / PDF) For each group we require the following informationNumber of foetuses (if scanned)Weeks until lambingBreed.Feed for each group including forage access and concentrates providedAverage condition score and weight for the groupTests analysedBeta-Hydroxybutyrate (BOHB)AlbuminUrea-NitrogenMagnesiumCopperCostsPrice ListTransport of SamplesTransport of Samples Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Contact details Work: 0131 651 7474 Fax: 0131 651 7473 Email: This article was published on 2024-09-02