DHHPS Consultancy Services Talks/Visits. By arrangement, DHHPS vets are available to visit farms or vet practices around the UK to run workshops about improving all aspects of dairy cow management. A limited amount of funding is available, where appropriate, for this purpose. Please telephone the office for more information. DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan & Healthy Feet Programme DHHPS vets are registered deliverers of both the DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan and Healthy Feet Programmes. For more information please contact the DHHPS office and take a look at the DairyCo website. DairyCo Mastitis Control Plan DairyCo Healthly Feet Programme Fertility Minder We are able to offer both one off analysis of fertility and also offer a bureau service for long term recording of herd fertility using Interherd, Interherd+ and TotalVet. Prices are shown on our price list, if you are interested give us a call in the DHHPS office. Fertility minder Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Contact details Work: 0131 651 7474 Fax: 0131 651 7473 Email: DHHPS@ed.ac.uk This article was published on 2024-09-02