Our team members are renowned international speakers regularly travelling to conferences and clinics nationally and internationally each year to ensure they remain at the forefront of new developments in knowledge and practical skills. Alistair Duff AWCFConsultant Farrier Alistair is a seventh generation of farriers. Having served his apprenticeship with his father Sandy Duff. He gained his diploma of Worshipfull Company of Farriers with hounours in 1979 going on to achieve his associate qualification in 1987. He is also a past member of the Scottish Farriery Team. The Duff family have a long connection with The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies dating back to the early seventies. This lead to their involvement with the Scottish farriery training centres. They continue their involvement with a weekly visit where they work alongside Royal (Dick) Vet School Orthopaedic Vets on numerous and varied cases. This article was published on 2024-09-02