The School incorporates the Roslin Institute and the Easter Bush Agritech Hub, alongside a number of interdisciplinary centres and research collaborators. Institutes and Hubs The Roslin Institute Easter Bush Agritech hib Interdisciplinary centres and research collaborators Our research portfolio also incorporates our interdisciplinary research centres:SEBI-Livestock: the Centre for Supporting Evidence-Based Interventions in LivestockCentre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH)Centre of Expertise on Animal Disease Outbreaks (EPIC)Hospital for Small Animals (HfSA) The School, with The Roslin Institute and Global Academy, provides both undergraduate and postgraduate students with exceptional opportunities to work at the leading edge of research directly relevant to the improvement of health and welfare of domestic animal species. The Moredun Research InstituteScotland's Rural CollegeEaster Bush Research Consortium (EBRC) Research Divisions The School encompasses the following Divisions: Division of Clinical SciencesDivision of Conservation ScienceDivision of Veterinary Biomedical ScienceDivision of Veterinary Medical EducationDivision of Global Agriculture and Food SystemsThe Roslin Institute is home to the following Divisions:Division of BacteriologyDivision of Functional GeneticsDivision of EpidemiologyDivision of Genome BiologyDivision of ImmunologyDivision of Quantitative BiologyDivision of Translational BioscienceDivision of Virology Top ranking for REF 2021In a joint submission to the latest UK Research Excellence Framework exercise, research at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (R(D)SVS) and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has been ranked number one in the UK for agriculture, food and veterinary sciences by combining Times Higher Education’s ratings for each institution. The judgement, based on the quality and breadth of research, maintains the R(D)SVS and SRUC’s position as the strongest provider in these subject areas. The institutions’ research environment was classified to be 100 per cent world leading or internationally excellent for agriculture, food and veterinary sciences research. The Vet School and SRUC submission was also assessed as being 100 per cent world leading or internationally excellent in terms of the impact its research work has on wider society.The REF is an assessment of the quality of the research being undertaken at UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the impact it has in society. This article was published on 2025-03-24