The full price list for our services and membership details. All charges will be levied through veterinary practice or feed supplier. Invoices are generated monthly. Vat will be charged at the current rate.Prices valid from 1st August 2024 - 31 July 2025 Document DHHPS Charges July 2024 (264.51 KB / PDF) Full DHHPS Membership (£200 charged quarterly)Per annum£800DHHPS Single/One-Off Test17 cows max£450Dry Cow Check/Block Calving Check**This more flexible approach o testing allows individual groups of cows to be sampled. it is moset commonly used by herds looking to focus on dry cow management, block calving dairy herds. It should no be used to avoid sampling mid-lactation cows in all year round dairy herds, where this group of animals provides essential information on the ability of the ration to support mid-lactation yeilds.12 cows max£360 or £42 per cow (min 6 cows - £232)Beef Suckler Test (includes copper and GSHPx)12 cows max£360 or £42 per cow (min 6 cows - £232)Pre-lambing Sheep Test (includes BHB, Magnesium, Urea-N, Albumin, and Copper)1-20 Sheep£210 Additional SheepPer Sheep£10Summer Pre-Mating Sheep test (includes Vitamin B12, Copper, GSHPx, Albumin & Globulin)10 sheep£320 Other testing (in conjuction with profiles): Copper, Calcium, GHSPx (ref. selenium) GGT GLDHEach per sample£5Thyroxine T4 (ref. iodine) Vitamin B12 (ref. colbalt) Leptospira, BVD, IBR, antibodies etc. Vit A and EEach per samplePrices on requestHandling fee for samples going to external labs £10/submissionQuarterly Herd Health ReportsPer annum£140Plasma Inorganic Iodine - pooled sampled £30/pooled sampleIgG RID (serum or colostrum) charged on an individual basis, discount for 10+ samples. Please contact office to discusstesting and sumbission of samples £15/sample£12/sample for 10+ MembershipFull DHHPS, White Gold, and Gold blood testing membership is per herd and allows as many tests (maximum of 17 cows per test) as required.The usual number is 3-4 per annum but some years more are necessary to get the full picture. We reserve the right to make additional charges if the number of tests done in a herd looks like becoming unreasonable.The first test for a new member includes:β-hydroxybutyrate (B0HB)GlucoseNon-esterified fatty acid (NEFA)Urea-nitrogenAlbuminGlobulinMagnesiumInorganic phosphateCopperGSHPx for seleniumCopper and GSHPx will not be done in subsequent tests unless there is a need and then they will be charged for at the rate in the table separately and in addition. Other special requests (see table) will be charged for in addition.Full DHHPS membershipFull membership includes the facility to submit monthly health data for a rate and trend quarterly herd health report meeting the requirements of NDFAS.DHHPS Membership will be for a full year in the first instance. We shall assume it will continue after that unless notified in writing to the contrary.DHHPS Single/One-Off TestOur single test includes a maximum of 17 cows. It includes the same elements as our first test for new members.Additional measurements are possible, but they will cost extra.Farms can convert to Full DHHPS membership after a single test with the charge deducted from the cost of membership in the first year. This article was published on 2024-09-02