Frequently asked questions about applying to our Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery programmes. General Queries Can I take a subject early? In order to be considered, you must achieve the required exam results in one sitting and at the first attempt. Do I need to have an English language test result before applying? No, you do not need to have an English language test result before applying. You can fulfil English language requirements after you receive an offer. I have missed out on getting the grades required. Can I still apply? Regrettably, you will not be considered if you have not achieved the required grades, as the programme is very competitive. I have been ill or have had problems while studying. What do I do? Your school must inform the exam board as soon as possible. We are unable to consider extenuating circumstances put forward after exam results are registered. Will I get a place if I meet the entry requirements? Not necessarily. The process is competitive and we rely on application and interview strength to select students. Can I apply part-way through my degree? Contact us to discuss this.Contact details can be found at the bottom of this page. Can I access the University's general admissions policies? Yes - you can do so here: University of Edinburgh - Admissions Policy I have missed the deadline - can I still apply? No, we do not consider late applications. Is there a minimum or maximum age limit? No. UCAS Applications Do other universities see where I have applied? No, not until you have been made offers and decided which (if any) you wish to accept. Can I amend my application after the deadline? Not usually. We do not accept changes to personal statements or references after the deadline. However, if you believe there is a factual error in your personal data, please contact us.Contact details can be found at the bottom of this page. How many universities can I apply to? UCAS allows you four vet and one non-vet choice. We recommend that you use all of your choices. Applying as a Graduate I am applying as a graduate candidate on UCAS - should I apply to D100 and D102? No, you need only apply to one. We will automatically consider you for both. Do I need to have completed all prerequisites before applying? No - you can apply while still studying. If you haven't completed all the prerequisite subjects by the application deadline, you can indicate your plans to complete them before the BVM&S programme starts. Any offer would be conditional on meeting the entry requirements after your final exams. Work Experience Do I need to send references for work experience gained? No, you just need to complete your WES form prior to the deadline of 22 October (UCAS candidates only). Work Experience Summary Form I do not have any veterinary/animal work experience. Can I still apply? You are still eligible, but we look for significant career exploration, so you should provide strong evidence you’ve researched the career and understand what it entails. How much detail should I go into on my personal statement about work experience? We are looking for brief details on the type and duration of work experience in your personal statement. This would then be supported by your WES form. Please bear in mind other institutions may have other requirements. I am finding it difficult to gain experience with certain species - will this affect my application? We understand it is not always easy to get experience in certain areas. We do not expect an applicant to have experience of all the types listed on our website, and look at applications holistically. Personal Statement & Reference What else do you look for in an application? We look for evidence of career exploration, non-academic achievements and interests such as social involvement, school responsibilities, leadership, cultural, sporting, musical, vocational and voluntary experience. Do I need to include every non-academic achievement I've gained? No, but you should select those that demonstrate high skill, attainment and variety. We look for well-rounded individuals. As well as aligned experience, we look for evidence that you can wind down and relax outside of your work or studies. However, if you run out of space in your personal statement, your referee can also add more information in their reference for you. Can my referee mention my non-academic achievements? Yes - if they are in a position to do so, they may mention your other achievements. Are there specific achievements you value, such as the Duke of Edinburgh award? No, we look for evidence of what you feel you’ve gained from your achievements and your commitment to them, rather than specific achievements. After Receiving an Offer Is it possible to defer an offer? It is usually not possible to defer an offer unless there are extenuating circumstances. We would ask you contact us with any requests as soon as possible to be considered for a deferral.Contact details can be found at the bottom of this page. Can I complete some EMS prior to starting the course? No - EMS can only be completed whilst on course. Intercalation Can I intercalate during my programme? If you have a special interest, you can choose to complete a BSc (Hons) Veterinary Science after your second or subsequent years. The programme consists of a year of advanced study in one of the following: biochemistry, neuroscience, microbiology & infectious diseases and zoology. You may, with permission, attend intercalated degree courses at other UK Veterinary establishments and/or in other parts of the University. For exceptional candidates, there is also the alternative possibility of a one-year MSc by research after the third year, and even the possibility of doing an intercalated three-year PhD. You can also enrol on one of our taught MSc programmes which include Animal Welfare and Behaviour, Infectious Diseases, Conservation Medicine, and Equine Science. Accreditation I want to practice in North America - am I required to take the NAVLE? The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies has Full Accreditation from the AVMA.The degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVM&S) is the equivalent to the North American Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and has the same standing worldwide.Like graduates from North American Vet Schools, graduates from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies are required to take the multiple-choice North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) in order to practice in the United States or Canada.Students can sit the NAVLE in the UK or in North America before graduating.The NAVLE is administered by the International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA). Please consult ICVA materials for information on test locations, costs, etc., bearing in mind that these may change during the course of your veterinary studies. Where can I find out more about BMV&S accreditation? More information on our accrediting bodies is available here: BVM&S Accreditation Contact Us Undergraduate Admissions The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies The University of Edinburgh Contact details Work: +44 (0)131 651 7305 Email: This article was published on 2025-03-19