Vet MSc Virtual Graduation

Following the success of the virtual graduations in 2011, The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh extended an invitation to the virtual graduation to all postgraduate students.

Second Life Graduation

The virtual graduation provides an opportunity for graduands who are unable to attend McEwan Hall in person to experience and celebrate as part of the Edinburgh and Dick Vet community.

This year, students from the Equine Science and Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare (AABAW) programmes graduated both in person and virtually. Equine Science is a part-time, on-line, distance learning programme, and AABAW is a full-time, on-site programme. Having students graduating virtually from both on-site and on-line programmes demonstrates the inclusive and accessible approach fostered by the University of Edinburgh.

The three graduands in Second Life were Camila Corredor (MSc AABAW), Jacek Bobkiewicz (MSc Equine Science) and Samantha Wilson (Postgraduate Diploma Equine Science). They received their awards from the University by attending a virtual ceremony in Second Life, where their avatars accepted their graduation ‘scroll’ in the virtual world wearing a specially designed University of Edinburgh robe.

For the first time, the live streamed movie of the graduation in McEwan Hall was linked with the virtual graduation in Second Life, allowing those following the streamed ceremony to experience of both graduations. As another first for the vet school, the Head of School Professor David Argyle called the names of those graduating in person and virtually or in absentia for these programmes.

All three graduands thanked the University, the School and the programme teams for providing and supporting the virtual graduation as a celebration of their achievements on their respective programmes.

Virtual graduation was great. It was nice to see my classmates on the screen and then drink champagne and enjoy the fireworks on Second Life

Camila Corredor

This is the first time that we have had one of our MSc AABAW students graduate in Second Life. We have many International students who come to Edinburgh to study and it is great to see that, even though they have returned home, that they can continue to take part in the graduation ceremony. Congratulations to all our graduates.

Dr Susan Jarvis
Programme Director - MSc Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare

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