Entry requirements for the four-year Graduate Entry Programme. Academic AchievementsBachelor's DegreeAn Upper Second Class (2:1) Honours degree (or equivalent) or an overall cumulative GPA of 3.4 (4 point scale) in an appropriate subject is required for consideration for the four-year Graduate Entry Programme.Required CoursesCandidates must achieve high grades (C or better) in the following subjects:Biology/ZoologyPhysicsBiochemistryOrganic ChemistryInorganic ChemistryMathematics/StatisticsRecommended CoursesIn addition to the prerequisites listed above, gaining high grades (C or better) in the following subjects can strengthen an application for the GEP:GeneticsMicrobiologyCell BiologyAcademic referenceWe require an academic reference to be submitted with your application. Applications submitted without a reference will be considered incomplete. Your referee should be someone who knows you well academically (a tutor, lecturer, professor) and from your most recent place of study.Additional TestsPlease note that the following tests are NOT required for candidates applying to the BVM&S programmes at the University of Edinburgh:Graduate Record Examination (GRE)Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)Veterinary College Admission Test (VCAT)BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT)English Language Entry RequirementsYou must demonstrate a level of English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies, regardless of your nationality or country of residence.SQA, GCSE and IBFor SQA, GCSE and IB students, unless a higher level is specified in the stated entry requirements, a pass is required in English at the following grades or higher:SQA National 5 at CSQA Standard Grade at 3SQA Intermediate 1 at ASQA Intermediate 2 at CGCSE at C or 4Level 2 Certificate at CIB Standard Level at 5 (English ab initio is not accepted for entry)English language testsWe accept the following English language qualifications at the grades specified:IELTS Academic module overall 7.0 with 7.0 in each componentTOEFL-iBT (including Special Home Edition) 100 or above with 23 in each section. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.Cambridge English: Advanced or Proficiency overall 185 with 185 in each componentTrinity ISE: ISE III with a pass in all four componentsWe also accept a wider range of international qualifications and tests.English language qualifications must be no more than three and a half years old from the start date of the degree you are applying to study, unless you are using IELTS, TOEFL or Trinity ISE, in which case it must be no more than two years old.English language requirementsNon-academic achievementsWork experience requirements We do not ask for specific types or number of days/weeks for work experience as it depends, to some extent, on the opportunities available to individual candidates. However, the broader the experience, the better, but you should not gain experience to the detriment of your academic studies. You should however gain both veterinary practice and animal work experience.You should gain as much and as varied practical work experience as possible, which could include time spent:Seeing veterinary practice, both large and small animal if possibleLivestock farms - dairy and lambing are particularly usefulOther animal establishments, such as zoos, kennels, catteries, wildlife centres, pig farms, poultry farms and stablesA day at an abattoir is recommended but not demandedWe encourage experience gained in veterinary or medical laboratories to help you appreciate the scientific basis of veterinary medicineWe will also take into consideration the online courses, examples of which are listed belowPlease note: the above are suggestions and ideas for work experience. This is not a checklist and achieving all these placements is not a requirement.Virtual Work ExperienceVirtual Work Experience CourseAn online course has been collaboratively developed by all veterinary schools in the UK. This MOOC serves as valuable preparation for individuals aspiring to enter the field of veterinary medicine.Virtual Work Experience and Exploring the Veterinary Profession At Edinburgh, we will also take other online courses into account. You can find a list of the ones we offer below:Massive Open Online CoursesFurther information about UK Vet School Schools general admissions requirements can be found here: Vet Schools Council guide to admissions.Applicants should provide detailed information on their practical experience (number of days/week spent and species worked with) in the appropriate section of their UCAS or VMCAS (North American graduates only) application. Candidates should be aware that the selectors can only take into account work already undertaken and not work planned. Applicants may receive an offer conditional on gaining further specified work experience.Work Experience Summary (WES) Form - UCAS Candidates OnlyAll candidates applying via UCAS are required to complete and return a Work Experience Summary (WES) by 22 October. UCAS applications submitted without a WES will be considered incomplete. Further details about the WES are available below. Work Experience Summary FormNon-academic achievements and interestsYour personal statement and references give us an idea of your skills, achievements and motivation, which are important factors in assessing your application.Social involvementSchool responsibilitiesLeadershipOrganisational abilitiesInterests and hobbiesCultural, sporting, musical, vocational and voluntary achievements This article was published on 2024-09-02