If you would like more information before applying for this Certificate, please link to the form below to register your interest. You must complete the fields marked with an asterisk. First name Surname Email address Telephone Address (line 1) Address (line 2) Address (city) Postal/Zip code Country Where did you hear about this CertAVP? Web Magazine/Newspaper Advert Friend/Colleague Other Please select if you wish to register your interest to take the A-FAVP module A-FAVP - assessment only Please choose the Production Animal module assessment(s) you wish to take from the list below Production Animal - Diseases of Adult Sheep (C-S.1) Production Animal - Reproduction, Pregnancy and Parturition (C-S.2) Production Animal - Parasitic and Lamb Disease (C-S.3) Production Animal - Bovine Nutrition Husbandry and Lactogenesis (C-C.4) Production Animal - Bovine Reproduction (C-C.5) Production Animal - Bovine Masititis and Lameness (C-C.6) Production Animal - Youngstock Rearing and Infectious Diseases (C-C.7) Please choose the Zoo Medicine module assessment(s) you wish to take from the list below Zoological Medicine - (B-ZM.6) Zoological Medicine - Wildlife Medicine (C-ZM.1) Zoological Medicine - Zoo Animals (C-ZM.2) Zoological Medicine - Small Pet Mammals in Practice (C-ZM.3) Zoological Medicine - Exotic Avian Species (C-ZM.4) Zoological Medicine - Reptile (C-ZM.5) Please choose the Lab Animal Science module assessment(s) you wish to take from the list below Lab Animal Science - (B-LAS.4) Lab Animal Science - Anaesthesia and Analgesia of Laboratory Animals (C-LAS.1) Lab Animal Science - Animal Models, Humane End Points and Study Design (C-LAS.2) Lab Animal Science - Genetically Modified Animals (C-LAS.3) Lab Animal Science - Diseases of Laboratory Animals (C-LAS.4) Please choose the Small Animal module assessment(s) you wish to take from the list below Small Animal Medicine - Canine Module 1: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders (C-SAM.1) Small Animal Medicine - Canine Module 2: Gastrointestinal and Urogenital Disorders (C-SAM.2) Small Animal Medicine - Canine Module 3: Endocrine, Neurological, Ophthalmological and Dermatologic Disorders (C-SAM.3) Small Animal Medicine - Feline Module 1: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders (C-SAM.4) Small Animal Medicine - Feline Module 2: Gastrointestinal and Urogenital Disorders (C-SAM.5) Small Animal Medicine - Feline Module 3: Endocrine, Neurological, Ophthalmological and Dermatologic Disorders (C-SAM.6) Small Animal Surgery - Small Animal Surgery Practice (C-SAS.1) Small Animal Surgery - Soft Tissue Surgery A (C-SAS.2) Small Animal Surgery - Soft Tissue Surgery B (C-SAS.3) Small Animal Surgery - Orthopaedic Surgery A (C-SAS.6) Small Animal Surgery - Orthopaedic Surgery B (C-SAS.7) Please choose the Animal Welfare module assessment(s) you wish to take from the list below Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Introduction and Theory (C-AWSEL.1) Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Applying the Theory (C-AWESL.2) Please choose the Veterinary Oncology module assessment(s) you wish to take from the list below Oncology - Approach to the Cancer Patient (C-ONC.1) Oncology - Cancer Biology and Medical Therapy for Cancer (C-ONC.2) Oncology - Cancer of Body Systems (C-ONC.3) Further information Synoptic Examination - you can still register and pay on our website if you wish to take a synoptic examination at Edinburgh. Once again, thank you for your interest. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email cert.avp@ed.ac.uk. Privacy StatementThe Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies will only use the information you supply in the above form to send you a low number of emails between now, and the date of the commencement of the next RCVS CertAVP programme. The emails will only contain further information, and new details concerning the RCVS CertAVP. Once the next RCVS CertAVP has begun, your details will be removed form this mailing list. You can also unsubscribe from the list at any time.The University of Edinburgh's Website Privacy Policy I consent to the University processing the information I provide. This article was published on 2024-09-02