Canine Catch Neuter Return (CNR) Good Practice Guides and videos Image There are a series of short videos and pdf guidelines that highlight the essential components of a successful catch-neuter-return (CNR) programme. The videos were all opportunistically filmed in collaboration with animal welfare organisations working in the field. No animals were harmed in the making of these videos. The University of Edinburgh and the Jeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare Education does not take any liability or responsibility for anyone who uses or misuses the content and guidance contained within the videos. They are intended as educational and animal welfare awareness raising resources in relation to CNR. JMICAWE does not necessarily advocate for the processes or procedures undertaken in the videos. They have been filmed in the context of certain logistical and cultural conditions, which may include limited access to certain drugs and facilities. Please be aware that some viewers may find the videos upsetting due to scenes of trauma, disease, or surgery. Please read the full disclaimer: Document Dog welfare video disclaimer (482.34 KB / PDF) Click on the buttons below and explore the videos, guidelines (pdfs) and additional resources for each stage of the CNR process. Stage 1 Planning a CNR programme Stage 2 Dog handling, capture and transport Stage 3 Dog kennels or holding area Stage 4 The peri-operative stage Stage 5 The post-operative stage Stage 6 Return Other videos Meet the Team Introduction If you want to see all the videos in one location, you can visit the video channel Video channel This article was published on 2024-09-02