Representatives from the Easter Bush Campus team attended the Sustainability Awards on Tuesday 28th to receive their Gold awards for Office and Lab projects in 2016. Image Sharon Boyd with the Campus' Awards The team were delighted to receive the Special Award for Innovation in Sustainability. The project was led by Sharon Boyd on behalf of the Campus. The Special Awards recognise staff and student collaborations or staff-led projects which contribute towards making the University more sustainable and socially responsible. The Innovation for Sustainability category includes projects with an academic nature which bring together a wide range of stakeholders. The Easter Bush Campus Office Gold project focused on social responsibility and sustainability in veterinary medical education. The project included a wide range of activities and events raising awareness of the importance of veterinary medical education in achieving the UN sustainable development goals. In addition to teaching and research, this included our Ways to Wellbeing sessions, Student Wellbeing Week, free CPD provided by our clinics for local practices, collaborations with the ECA and our inaugural VMED Forum event last spring (a paper-less conference). It also highlighted our work with the local community, for example with All4Paws, the RHS and Midlothian Science Festival, the Investors in Young People award, the STEM ambassadors and the work with Midlothian Council on the Career Ready placements and apprenticeships. The Sustainability Awards event is a great source of inspiration and provides an opportunity to develop sustainability projects across the University. The Special Award was a wonderful surprise and honour to receive. It is a celebration of the hard work of the students and staff who were involved in the project and encourages us to build on some of the ideas we had as a result of undertaking this. Sharon BoydLecturer in Distance Student Learning and 2016 project leader LINKS Sustainability Awards Publication date 30 Mar, 2017