Two leading courses in animal welfare education have been commended for their innovative approach. Image Pictured with their award and certificates are Dr Tamsin Coombs, Dr Susan Jarvis and Dr Fritha Langford The programmes have been praised for the role they have played in transforming the care of pets, livestock and wild animals worldwide for more than a quarter of a century.They have also been lauded for improving the welfare of animals used in research.Innovation awardThe on-campus and online programmes have received the Innovative Developments in Animal Welfare Award from the British Society of Animal Science and the RSPCA.We are committed to training the animal welfare leaders of the future and are thrilled that these programmes, run jointly with SRUC, have been recognised for their success.Professor David ArgyleHead of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary StudiesCaring heritageThe on-campus Masters in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare was introduced in 1990 by Professor David Wood-Gush, one of the first scientists to investigate the effects of large-scale farming on animals.More than 600 students have completed the programme, which is led jointly by the University of Edinburgh and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC).Notable careersAlumni have gone on to make significant improvements in animal welfare around the world.They have forged successful careers in research, education, government, veterinary practice and as members of non-governmental and industry organisations.Online successThe online Masters in International Animal Welfare Ethics and Law was launched in 2012.Graduates from the programme have already made notable impacts in legislation and policy changes in their home countries.Teaching excellenceTeaching on the courses is led by academics with strong backgrounds in research. Professionals working in farms, laboratories and zoos also contribute to the delivery of the programmes.Additional coursesOrganisers have since introduced two Massive Open Online Courses that have enabled almost 60,000 people to learn about animal welfare and behaviour without charge.Related linksMSc in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal WelfareMSc in International Animal Welfare Ethics and LawJeanne Marchig International Centre for Animal Welfare EducationRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Publication date 15 May, 2017