Teaching excellence across the University has been recognised in the annual EUSA Teaching Awards. Image Julie Dickson (far left) won the Best Overall Teacher - The Award for Teaching in Veterinary Sciences Students voted in a range of categories to honour staff who have had a major impact on improving their learning experiences.The Teaching Awards began in 2009 as part of an ongoing commitment to highlight the importance of excellence in teaching alongside the University’s research activity. They are organised by Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA).We were proud to see Julie Dickson win the Best Overall Teacher for Teaching in Veterinary Sciences award and congratulations were also due to Sharon Boyd, who was the shortlisted nominee for the same award. Image Sharon Boyd (far left) was runner up for the Best Overall Teacher - The Award for Teaching in Veterinary Sciences There were many other members of staff who were nominated in a wide range of categories and you can find the full list of nominated staff here.Thank you to all of the students who nominated and voted for staff. We're proud of our staff for their hard work and dedication in providing the best possible learning environment for our students. Teaching MattersThe University is also celebrating innovative learning techniques – and sharing great teaching ideas – as part of its Teaching Matters initiative.The Teaching Matters website, and accompanying blog, allows teachers and learners to explore new ideas, demonstrate fresh approaches and discuss ways to improve learning. It also highlights the best examples of teaching. Publication date 25 Apr, 2016