Please ensure that you complete the information below regarding relevant work experience. Please Note:Only submit the form once, additional versions will not be taken into account.The information should not replace that provided in your UCAS personal statement. Your personal statement should include motivation as to why you want to study veterinary medicine, career exploration gained through relevant work experience and details of extra curricular activities (such as charity, voluntary work or music/sporting activities).This form must be submitted before the deadline of 22nd October.The form is split into two main sections, 'Veterinary experience' and 'Animal and other related animal experience', please use the 'Add More Experience' buttons to enter details of all your work experience.Please ensure you enter your email address correctly, as a copy of this form will be mailed to you on submission.Work Experience Summary formYou will find the form at the following link:Work Experience Summary form This article was published on 2024-09-02