Hospital care

We will do our best to look after your pet in hospital, keep you informed and advise on aftercare. We cannot, unfortunately, permit routine visits.

We understand that hospital environments can be stressful for animals. To minimise this, we have separate wards for different kinds of animal. Our wards are quiet and contain appropriate enclosures.

We provide hide boxes, toys, perches, humidity chambers and fresh food, and our wards are climate-controlled where appropriate.

We have veterinary nurses and veterinary surgeons on site 24 hours a day. Your pet will receive the level of care and attention necessary for his or her condition, up to and including round the clock care in our intensive care unit.

Leaving items with your pet

You may leave an item with your pet but it is at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for the loss, damage or soiling of any personal item left with us.

In some cases, such items have to be destroyed rather than be allowed back out of the hospital, usually due to risk of infection.

Keeping you informed

We will update you with telephone reports as frequently as required. We will also discuss costs which may arise in excess of the estimate.

Please be patient, as our clinicians are caring for several other animals, some of which may be critically ill. There may be a delay before we can make contact.

Visiting rules

We cannot allow routine visits. At any one time, we may have over 100 patients and would not be able to accommodate all owners. Many pets also settle better with us if they don’t undergo repeated parting from their owner.

You can be reassured that our team of veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and animal care assistants do their best to help your pet feel comfortable and well cared for while staying in the hospital.

After leaving

We aim to return your pet to the care of your referring vet as soon as possible but some conditions may require ongoing specialist attention and treatment at the hospital.

All revisits are by prior appointment with the appropriate service. We will inform your vet of the outcome of any hospital attendance and will advise them on relevant care and support.