
We will provide you with an estimate of any investigation and treatment. Please ensure that you bring an insurance claim form or payment to your appointment.

Your vet should provide you with an indication of likely costs for the referral.

Our initial consultation and examination may reveal the need for additional procedures and treatments which may alter the costs. We will provide you with an estimate of the initial investigation and treatment.

Insured pets

If your pet is insured, please bring an insurance claim form to your appointment, with the relevant sections completed and signed. We require payment of your policy excess on the day of your consultation.

We advise you to contact your insurance company and check that your policy covers the condition for which your pet has been referred. Also be fully aware of any limit or exclusions on the amount of veterinary fees covered.

Uninsured pets

If your pet is not insured you will pay a 50% deposit of the maximum estimated fee (which may be set out on the Consent Form). In all cases, payment is required upon discharge of your pet from the hospital.

Please be aware that bills may not be finalised at the point of patient discharge.