
Over 400 soft tissue and dental surgery procedures a year are performed by our surgeons, both under standing sedation and general anaesthesia.

The soft tissue surgery team also deal with dental cases, non-surgical upper respiratory disorders and treadmill evaluations for poor performance, in conjunction with the medicine and orthopaedic teams if required.

equine soft tissue surgery

All cases are welcomed and we are happy to review radiographs or discuss cases from referring veterinarians prior to a potential referral. We usually admit horses at least one day before performing surgery, to enable us to perform a thorough diagnostic work-up and  to allow horses to settle into the hospital before having a general anaesthetic.

The majority of equine soft tissue surgery, including all sinus and dental surgery is performed under standing sedation and local anaesthesia. When general anaesthesia is necessary, surgery is performed in a dedicated soft tissue theatre and general anaesthesia is performed exclusively by a  Specialist-led team of veterinary anaesthetists who have access to state of the art equipment.


The equine soft tissue surgery department at the R(D)SVS specialises in:

  • Disorders of the upper respiratory tract, including laser surgery
  • Dentistry including endodontic therapy
  • Abdominal (colic) surgery including laparoscopy
  • Urogenital tract surgery including laparoscopic cryptorchidectomy and ovariectomy
  • Wounds, reconstructive surgery and selected dermatology cases