We offer a full equine reproductive service with a range of facilities. Services include:artificial insemination with chilled or frozen semenmare breeding soundness examinationsstallion breeding soundness examinationsmare infertility investigationsstallion infertility investigationssemen collection, processing and shippingtwin managementembryo transfer (by prior arrangement)low dose and deep uterine inseminationinvestigations into abnormal sexual behaviourAny breed of mare is welcome and can either stay at the R(D)SVS during her breeding or be an out-patient and come into the R(D)SVS on specific days as dictated by the reproductive status of your mare. We also offer grass livery, but space is limited.Although no commercial stallions are housed at the R(D)SVS we can advise you how to go about obtaining and using semen from anywhere in the world. This article was published on 2024-09-02