Fitness to practise for all vet entrants

We assess your application and make offers purely on the basis of academic and non-academic suitability and on your performance at interview as outlined in our selection process.

Prospective Veterinary Student Confidential Health Questionnaire

Admissions Policy

It is important for you to know that no health condition in itself would automatically preclude a student from studying veterinary medicine and we consider any disability or health condition on an individual basis.


We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for disabled students and those with health conditions. One way in which that can be achieved is to find out about you and your requirements as soon as possible. We also have to be assured that we can help you practise safely in training and in employment. Therefore once you have accepted an offer of a place on the BVM&S Programme and your offer becomes ‘Unconditional Firm’ (UF), not before, you will be asked to complete a Confidential Health Questionnaire form and return it to the Occupational Health Service where Occupational Health Professionals will assess the Health Questionnaire. Please note that your form will not be seen by the Vet School.

ALL holders of Unconditional Firm offers are required to complete the form prior to entry to the programme regardless of whether a disability or health condition was declared on application or not, and enrolment is subject to Health Clearance.

If you declare any disability or health condition which may require us to adjust the BVM&S programme, or affect fitness to practise under the RCVS Guidelines, an Occupational Health Adviser will contact you to assist you further.

RCVS Guidance and Day One Competencies



The School will provide all reasonable support to enable disabled students or those with health conditions to complete their studies. Appropriate support can be provided for many circumstances even if the effects of disability or ill health are substantial and it is important to know that no health condition in itself would automatically preclude a student from studying veterinary medicine and we consider any disability or health condition on an individual basis. However, because of a requirement to ensure patients, clients and colleagues are not harmed through involvement in veterinary training, if you have a condition which would make it impossible for you to work safely with patients, clients or colleagues, or to acquire the skills necessary to complete training, even with adjustments and support, then you cannot be accepted onto the undergraduate veterinary medicine programme.

You should not assume that your disability or health condition will prevent your take-up of a place and we would be pleased to speak with you, in confidence, at the earliest opportunity about any concerns you may have either pre or post-application. Please contact the BVM&S Admissions Officer (details below) for further advice and support about disability,  health,  fitness to practise and confidentiality issues or if you have any queries about the Health Screening process.

Higher Education Occupational Physicians/Practitioners (HEOPS) have produced a document outlining the fitness standards expected of veterinary students:


The University will only refuse a student a place on the grounds of their disability where:

  • the chosen course of study leads to a professional qualification and the relevant professional body has regulations which would preclude membership by people with particular impairments (see HEOPS guidance).
  • there are overriding health and safety concerns.
  • in rare circumstances when a necessary reasonable adjustment cannot be made

BVM&S Admissions Contact

Please address any queries or requests for further advice and support about the Health Screening process to:

Geraldine Giannopoulos

BVM&S Admissions Officer

  • Undergraduate Admissions
  • Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies

Contact details