The Dick Vet provides first opinion and emergency care for dogs, cats, small mammals, birds, and exotic animals. We are one of the most advanced facilities in Scotland, and our staff have won multiple awards for excellence in clinical care. Encompassing a referral hospital and a general practice, we are home to a fantastic array of specialist services
Information about our clinical services
The Hospital for Small Animals and Dick Vet General Practice
Equine Veterinary Services
Our specialist equine hospital services cover a range of traditional and complementary healthcare with expertise in soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery, internal medicine, diagnostic imaging, neurology, ophthalmology, interventional cardiology, dentistry and anaesthesia, as well as behaviour, specialist farriery, acupuncture and physiotherapy.
We provide first opinion and emergency care for all equidae - horses, donkeys and mules - and can offer surgical services for other species such as alpacas, farm animals and large exotic species.
Farm Animal Services
The Farm Animal Practice operates a first opinion practice serving dairy, beef, sheep, pig and camelid farms in Edinburgh and the Lothians. We also operate referral services where vets in practice can send in patients, such as lame pedigree bulls, for specialist investigations and surgery. The Dairy Herd Health and Productivity Service (DHHPS) has provided specialist farm animal advisory services since 1977, focusing on nutritional monitoring and improvement of herd/flock health.
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