VetPALS – ‘Making a Better You!’

VetPALS is a peer assisted learning scheme where later years students run sessions for younger students.

Vetpals - making a better you
Dr Jessie Paterson and the VetPAL leaders.

The focus is on topics related to academic study aimed at helping students transition into Vet School. With the growing success of VetPALS, this year the programme was expanded into a week-long event led by the students for students aimed at all students in the Vet School.

The week was entitled ‘The Making of ... a Better You!’ – the theme was created by the VetPALs playing on the idea of New Year resolutions and the idea that you can always improve and find new and helpful ways to work.

Each day had a "Thought of the Day" with these themes and thoughts being created by the students. Some themes were related to study methods, motivation, managing stress and other useful insights and ideas.

The VetPAL leaders promoted the programme via Facebook, slides on the School’s electronic noticeboards and on a pin boards in the communal café where they asked other students to contribute their ideas to the  "Thought of the Day".

Overall the response was been really excellent with lots of engagement and contributions by the students. Given this success, it is now planned is to make this an annual event.

It has been really great to see the positive contributions and involvement this week. Our students are hugely motivated and always willing to give and help others. It is wonderful to be able to initiate and facilitate such events, but then see them brought to life by the enthusiasm and spirit of our students.  Sharing their insight, ideas and passion to help their peers and the wider vet student community, simply highlights the motivation and commitment of our Dick Vet students.

Dr Jessie Paterson

Lecturer in Student Learning



More information on VetPALs