The University of Edinburgh is a provider of SAB accredited Home Office licensee courses. Course monthDatesinfoMarch17/03/25Course starts 26/03/25Q&A 2pm 27/03/25Exam 2pmJune16/06/25Course starts 25/06/25Q&A 2pm 26/06/25Exam 2pmSeptember - October29/09/25Course starts 08/10/25Q&A 2pm 09/10/25Exam 2pmThis PIL A/B course (modules 3-7, 20) is intended for those working with small wild mammals in the field or in captivity under ASPA. Species include bats, insectivores, wild rodents, squirrels, hedgehogs, lagomorphs and Mustelids*.*excluding ottersThis online course runs over a 2 week period three times a year.Course detailsThis PIL A/B course is for those undertaking research in small wild animals both in the field and in a captive environment. A personal licence is required and granted by the Home Office when carrying out regulated procedures on animals. We provide an online course covering bats, hedgehogs, insectivores, rabbits & hares, wild rodents and squirrels & mustelids. The course has been accredited by the Scottish Accreditation Board. It has to be completed by the candidate at their own pace over a two week period. The course provides tutor, peer and technical support throughout that period. There is in course assessment and a final course assessment.This is one of three components needed to have successfully completed prior to applying for a Home Office personal licence known as a PIL. The three training components that need to be completed are:Ethics (E1) and national legislation (L). These two modules cover the legal requirements and the ethical consideration when using animals under the Animal Scientific Procedures Act. This can be completed through a separate course provided by the University of Edinburgh Training for Personal Licence Applicants | The University of Edinburgh or another course provider of your choice.PIL A/B Theory covering six species specific modules: Module 3 (basic biology), Module 4 (animal care health and management), Module 5 (recognition of pain, suffering and distress), Module 6 (humane methods of killing), Module 7 (minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia) and Module 20 (analgesia and anaesthesia for minor procedures – under 15 minutes).Practical skills assessment is done at the candidates own institute as described below.PIL A/B Skills Module 3.2 basic species biology and Module 8 minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia. This practical element will be delivered and assessed by a competent trainer nominated by the applicants Named Training Competency Officer (NTCO). An assessment sheet provided by our course needs to be signed by your NTCO and returned within 3 month of successfully completing PILA/B theory.On completion of PIL A/B theory and skills within the required time frames a certificate will be issued by the Scottish Accreditation Board (SAB). This certificate is used to apply for a PIL at the Home Office.Skills Assessment - this practical assessment is done at your own institute and endorsed by your NTCO. This needs to be submitted to us within 3 months of successful completion of the theory assessments (points 1-2). It will be the trainee’s responsibility to apply for any exemptions to the Home Office and provide us with details. Download here Register your interest For further information on this course, please register your interest here. This article was published on 2024-09-02