
Current studentship vacancies

Project TitleClosing Date

R(D)SVS 3.5 Year School Studentships

Understanding how changes in lipid structure can enable neutrophils to fine tune the immune response to infection

SparseHybrids: Sparse designs, statistical machinery and breeding tools for leveraging heterosis in plants and animals

Exploring the impact of mobile elements and metals on antimicrobial gene spread in the pig microbiota

Cell movement and collagen production in development and regeneration of the skin

Comparative analysis of the role of the microbiome in regulating uterine function in the bovine and human

Exploiting novel stem cell technologies to investigate prion strain evolution

Investigating the role of bacterial surface proteins in Streptococcus uberis bovine mastitis

Towards a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the recent and highly virulent feline coronavirus strain FCoV-23

Nature restoration on campus: A living theory eco-health approach to addressing the biodiversity crisis and rising to the 30x30 challenge

Modelling Anthelmintic Resistance in Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Goats in Uganda: Strategies for Sustainable Parasite Management

Improving bovine tuberculosis diagnosis using ocular imaging

The role of planar cell polarity in developmental tissue fusion

Interdependence of structure and function: using MRI to determine the individual tissue characteristics driving artial fibrillation in the equine heart

GENOMICS: Gene Expression in Oral Melanoma for Integrated Cross-Species Stratification

Investigation of the biological behaviour of feline injection site sarcomas to identify potential biomarkers and develop new therapies

Applying a One Health Approach to Characterise the Epidemiology of Snakebite Injury in Kenya

Identifying the genetic determinants in birds of resilience versus susceptibility to avian influenza

Predicting emerging issues of One Welfare and One Health and improving the care of Scotland’s animals

Effects of early life experience on the brain and the behavioural responses to playful handling in rats

Relapse into malnutrition: Causes and strategies for reduction

Linking the well-behaved vet with better PatiEnT Outcomes

“Antimicrobial Use in Salmon Farming: A Comparative Analysis of Welfare and Economic Impacts in Chile and Scotland”

Unconstrained and unmitigated: Using machine learning to predict hotspots of nitrous oxide emissions from soil

Exploring the Relationships between Food, Land, Ownership, and Health

Economic analysis Taenia solium Control in Uganda: Developing and implementing a One Health Cost-Benefit Analysis Framework

Developing a behavioural model for the adoption of sustainable farming practices in agricultural communities in South Asia

Different scenarios to promote planetary health diets in the UK

Dissecting the regulation of DNA methylation levels in Holstein

Modelling effective phage interventions for endemic E. coli infections in livestock

Does maternally restricted viral infection in pregnancy alter embryonic cytokine exposure and offspring fertility?

Leveraging Genome-Wide CRISPR-Cas9 Screens to Investigate Divergent Pathogenic Outcomes of Equine Herpesviruses

Optimisation of genomic informed breeding strategies in small ruminants

Assessing the impact of population structure and genetic variation on susceptibility to avian influenza in wild birds

Phylogeography of foot-and-mouth disease viruses in Central Africa

The Developing Limb- A Biomedical Model of Developmental Plasticity

Exploring RNA-binding proteins and their RNA targets in livestock species

Molecular dissection of the pathogenesis of avian Staphylococcus aureus

Identification of host genes underpinning the zoonotic potential of avian influenza using CRISPR technologies

Building Resilience in Farm Animals: Neurobiological Insights from Environmental Enrichment in Pigs

Loch and key: Portable diagnostics to prevent the spread of shellfish disease

Using animal models to develop a drug screening platform targeting the changes in mitochondrial function associated with arterial calcification

Co-infection, metabolism and lamb survival: an investigation into the factors that underpin sustainable lamb production in UK sheep flocks

13 February 2025

Roslin Foundation Studentships

Using DNA language models to predict functional variation in the cattle genome

Ex Vivo Analysis of Chicken Bursal Secretory Dendritic Cell Responses to Diverse IBDV Pathotypes and Their Interaction with B Cells in Viral Pathogenesis"

Constructing simplified microbial communities to understand fibre fermentation in the chicken gut microbiota

Integrating machine learning with genomics to elucidate complex livestock traits

Environmental Stress and Host Immunity in Mussel-Vibrio Interactions

13 February 2025
Just out of sight: determining gene regulatory loci to improve coloboma diagnoses at University of Edinburgh on FindAPhD.com28 March 2025


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