Visiting PhD student Research visit to the Highlander Lab from The Swedish Lifesciences University (Uppsala) Image Genomic selection tools such as linear mixed models for trait prediction rely heavily on genetic information, i.e. whether an individual is homozygote or heterozygote for a given marker. However, for outcrossing crops, data is collected on a population or family level; hence, the genetic data summarises the allele frequency for each marker. Thus, any information about the distribution of heterozygotes versus homozygotes is lost. During my visit I will aim to investigate possible estimates of this genotype distribution from allele frequency information and see whether these estimates can be implemented in a genomic section pipeline leveraging both additive and dominance genetic variation. Goals: Evaluate modes of estimating allele frequencies Find appropriate models for estimating genotype distribution in populations Assess the inclusion of estimated genotype distribution to estimate additive and dominance genetic variation with LMM models and evaluate how much data is required for best accuracy of genomic prediction. Background I have graduated from Umeå University with a Master of Science in Engineering with a specialisation in biotechnology. For my PhD, which I’m currently obtaining from the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU), I pivoted to plant breeding as I have a great interest in statistical modelling and R coding. I am specifically interested in: Modelling longitudinal traits Applying genomic selection tools for outcrossing species Programming language and software: R & RStudio LaTex Python Markdown Hobbies and personal interests Knitting, crochet and sewing: I enjoy creating my own items of clothing, from pattern drafting to final product. It gives me a nice perspective of the hard work that goes in to an item of clothing. I love working with my hands and there are more arts and crafts I’d like to try. Hiking and fitness: I love spending time in the great outdoors no matter the weather. And even though fitness doesn’t always give me instant joy it’s something I value a lot. However sometimes I get stuck in researching it instead of just going for a workout. Relevant links LinkedIn ResearchGate This article was published on 2024-09-02