TRAIN@Ed Fellow Moved to a post-doc position at the SRUC (UK) Image Research at the Highlander Lab My main research is on data-driven breeding of resource-efficient cattle. Goals: Assess how resources for phenotyping feed intake should be optimally spent in a dairy breeding programme Design strategies to use additional phenotypes in genomic prediction for feed efficient cattle Develop a simulation of a national dairy breeding programme as a testbed for evaluating phenotyping and other strategies. Background Before my current position in the Highlander Lab with Dr Gregor Gorjanc, I have been in animal science and animal breeding since high school and I got my PhD in genetics from Aarhus University in Denmark. Since then, I have been working at the Tarbiat Modares University in Iran as an assistant professor, involved in genome-wide association analyses and genomic selection of livestock. I have a diverse knowledge in quantitative genetics and data analysis using different statistical software. I am specifically interested in: Genomic selection and application of genomic data in livestock breeding programs Use of big data and bioinformatics tools to improve breeding and selection Solving problems in livestock breeding systems to better feed the world. Programming language and software: R scripting and programming Linux, Unix bash scripting MS packages BLUPF90 Plink GS3 Hobbies and personal interests Hiking, ping pong, fitness, bowling. Relevant links Google Scholar Twitter GitHub LinkedIn ORCID Research Gate This article was published on 2024-09-02