Roslin's state-of-the-art aquarium, equipped with hatchery and disease challenge facilities, is integral to our groundbreaking research. The Aquaculture Genetics Research Facility (AGRF) is a freshwater aquarium facility on Easter Bush Campus, designed for research into early-life stages of farmed fish species.The AGRF is set up with a hatchery room and a grow out room, which is equipped for disease challenge experiments. There are three separate recirculating freshwater systems to provide suitable water quality conditions for the fish. The Facility has been built to support the ongoing research into disease resistance and genome editing of farmed fish, in particular salmonids. The rooms and systems are set up to allow for research into both cold and warm water fish.The AGRF is available for use by researchers at the University of Edinburgh, and also to external users, interested in performing experiments in aquaculture species in freshwater. The facility manager is Dr Carl Tucker. Further details on the AGRF, including the procedure for accessing and using the facility, will be provided soon.The AGRF was funded by Agri-Epi, Innovate UK and BBSRC. Roslin's aquaculture facility meets the needs of multiple research groups. Researchers from across teams can use the facility to advance collaborative research. The facility is able to meet a wide array of research needs, suiting it to Roslin's growing aquaculture team. This article was published on 2024-09-02