Isidore Houaga

Royal Society Fellow

Research at the Highlander Lab

My project has two principal components (i) animal breeding and quantitative genetics and ii) connection and application of animal breeding tools to livestock genetic improvement in Africa through the African Animal Breeding Academy and the African Dairy Genetic Gains programme.


  • Test spatial modelling to boost environmental connectedness in African smallholder dairy cattle breeding programmes
  • Carry out the national and multi-across-country genetic evaluation on African dairy cattle
  • Develop novel genetic evaluation methods suitable for any level of admixture in African dairy cattle populations

African Animal Breeding Academy

African Dairy Genetic Gains programme


I hold an MSc in animal health and production from the University of Abomey-Calavi in Benin Republic and a PhD in molecular Biology and Biotechnology from the Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation in Kenya. I have 2 years postdoctoral experience in animal breeding and genetics.

Isidore Houga

Specific Interests

  • Animal breeding
  • Quantitative genetics and genomics
  • Statistical modelling
  • Breeding programme design and simulation

Programming language and software

  • R and RStudio
  • SPSS

Hobbies and personal interests

I love football, dancing, and cycling

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