Latest news from the Roslin institute To learn more about the work and life of our scientists, please see our interview series in the Meet Our Scientists pages. We also post our news on Facebook and Twitter and you can subscribe to our newsletter.For press enquiries please contact the Press Office via email or +44 (0)131 650 9547. Sector network can aid genetic gains in African livestock Collaboration can help harness tools and technology to support development in animal production. Genetic insights inform manta ray conservation Understanding diversity in declining manta ray species points to conservation management policies to prevent overfishing. Policymakers learn of future of science in farming Scientists meet parliamentarians at event with focus on the application of research in agriculture. New study reveals key genes in African cattle Analysis of combined DNA datasets highlights genetic areas of interest for breeding livestock adapted to challenging environments. Large-scale study focuses on fish health and welfare A five-year partnership with industry will consider how to limit the impact of disease in salmon production. Pig studies support ongoing Covid-19 research Studies in large mammals offer new avenues for understanding severe Covid-19 infections and developing effective treatments. This article was published on 2025-01-27