Visiting PhD student Current ResearchThe advent of advanced sequencing offers the availability of denser markers reaching up to whole-genome sequences (WGS) for livestock species. It presents an opportunity to enhance genomics study. We investigate the benefit of using whole-genome sequences to improve genomic prediction in livestock.GoalsObtain and explore whole-genome sequences for beef cattle;Evaluate the use of whole-genome sequences for genomic prediction with different methods and statistical modelsBackgroundI gained a BSc in Animal Science (Prince of Songkla University) and an MSc in Agriculture (University of New England). I have also worked in animal production and animal breeding for the government and university in Thailand. I am a PhD student at the University of New England in Australia. BackgroundI gained a BSc in Animal Science (Prince of Songkla University) and an MSc in Agriculture (University of New England). I have also worked in animal production and animal breeding for the government and university in Thailand. I am a PhD student at the University of New England in Australia.I am specifically interested inGenotype imputationGenomic predictionBioinformaticsProgramming language and softwareLinux environmentR and RStudioPython (basic understanding)Hobbies and personal interestspop culturetravelfoodRelevant links Google Scholar LinkedIn This article was published on 2024-09-02