Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility

A range of ultra-sensitive mass spectrometry based methods to advance proteomic and metabolomic analyses.

LC-MS chromatogram view

The Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility at the Roslin Institute brings together advanced mass spectrometry instrumentations and expertise to characterise the proteome and metabolome in living systems.

Helping to advance biomedical/clinical research


The mission of the facility is to help researchers to advance their biomedical/clinical research programs through a wide range of analytical services and methodological developments using LC-MS. The purpose of this core-supported facility is to build expertise and instrument capabilities that exceed the resources of individual research groups.

Our approach involved working closely with other colleagues towards identifying differentially expressed proteins in biological/clinical samples, studying post translational modifications, protein-protein interactions and quantification of metabolites.

In addition to providing a diverse range of analytical workflows encompassing biomolecular mass spectrometry, we are keen to develop and establish emerging and novel methods using our instrumentation.

Individual analytical needs

We prefer to discuss individual analytical needs from the early stages of research project conception, and can offer tailored training and consultation in modern methods in proteomics and biological mass spectrometry as required.  We are happy to discuss contributions to grant applications through provision of preliminary data, assistance with experimental design and the drafting of relevant technical sections. We can also provide assistance in submission of spectral data to public proteomics repositories.

A range of analytical instrumentation with complimentary features are available for studying proteins and small molecules.

We have optimised and established diverse analytical workflows for proteome and metabolome.

Modern methods in proteomics and biological mass spectrometry tailored to your needs.

Please contact our staff directly if you have any specific queries about Proteomics and Metabolomics.