Management and Committees

A number of key committees and groups report to Roslin management.

Science Management Group

Remit: To provide leadership and co-ordination of scientific activities within the Roslin Institute.

The Science Management Group (SMG) is the core strategic decision making body for the Roslin Institute, with its activity reviewed by both the wider University (College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine), as well as advisory boards. The SMG is responsible for ensuring that key performance indicators of the Institute are delivered.

Operational Management Group

Remit: To provide leadership and co-ordination for the Institute's Professional Services.

The Operational Management Group is a  forum for the exchange of information and the coordination of activities, functions and services to support the operation and administration of the Institute.

Health and Safety Committee

Remit: The Health and Safety Committee provides both a formal and informal forum for consulting staff and their representatives about issues or actions that substantially affect the health and safety of employees, students and visitors to the Institute.

Animal Welfare and Ethics Board

Remit: The purpose of the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB) is to oversee, assess, monitor and ensure the well-being, health and ethical use of all experimental and stock animals (farm animals and rodents) in the Institute.

Career Development Committee

Remit: To support and develop good practice in terms of recruitment and career development of academic staff.

Easter Bush Campus Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Remit: To help create and support a workplace where all individuals are represented and treated as equals, regardless of any personal characteristic.

Related links

The Director of the Roslin Institute

Career Development Committee