TRAIN@Ed Fellow Moved to a research scientist position at AbacusBio (UK) Research at the Highlander Lab Image We have recently initiated research to extend the partitioning method of Garcia-Cortes et al. (2008) to plant breeding programmes and expand its versatility based on the Alphapart implementation. Specifically, we are aiming to: Analyse changes in genetic variance in addition to the genetic mean, Account for uncertainty in genetic trends and their partitions, Utilise genomic information to identify which genome regions drive genetic change and which sources contributed favourable alleles in these genome regions, and Expand the AlphaPart R package. Garcia-Cortes et al. (2008) Partition of the genetic trend to validate multiple selection decisions, Animal. AlphaPart Background I hold a PhD in Statistics from the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and have at least nine years of experience in experimental and applied statistics. I developed statistical methods in longitudinal concordance correlation, multilevel model (hierarchical model), generalized linear mixed-effects model, state-space models, experimental design, longitudinal data, and R packages development. I am specifically interested in: Statistical modelling Web applications (Dashboards) R package development Quantitative Genetics, Agriculture, and Sports Programming language and software: Statistical Computing: R and Shiny SAS Maple and SageMath C++ Computational programs: LaTex Markdown Office Gimp and Inkscape GNU Emacs, RStudio, VS Code Linux distributions, macOS, and Windows Code hosting platform: GitHub and GitLab Overleaf Hobbies and personal interests Photography: I love photography because it is much more than just taking pictures. Photography develops conceptual skills such as colour composition, biological concepts in wildlife photography, and digital image post-production. Blogging: I have been writing blog posts as an excellent way of sharing my knowledge and thinking with others. Relevant links Blog ORCID Google Scholar GitHub Twitter LinkedIn This article was published on 2024-09-02