Post-doc Research at the Highlander LabUsing genomic selection, we are working to improve breeding programmes of forage plant species.GoalsReduce breeding cycle time so that new and improved varieties can be released sooner;Increase the rate of genetic gain and selection accuracy while minimising inbreeding depression;Account for dominance effects so that parent plants can be chosen to promote heterosis in their offspring;Test the effectiveness of prospective breeding programs using stochastic simulationsBackgroundI have a PhD from Stanford University and have held postdoctoral positions at the University of Toronto and the University of Otago. My background is in evolutionary and ecological theory. Specific InterestsEvolutionary modellingApplying evolutionary biology principles in agricultureEvolution and ecology of diseasesNon-genetic inheritance, including epigeneticsProgramming language and softwareR and RStudioMathematica LaTeXPythonHobbies and personal interestsHikingCooking and bakingNovels and poetryRunningChessRelevant links Google Scholar Twitter ORCID LinkedIn This article was published on 2024-09-02